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ALA Conference Documents

Thank you for joining us at the A Look Ahead Conference. The following pdf documents have been made available for your reference during and after our event. This link will expire 2 weeks after our event.

Conference Program

Plenary Session:

Living the Good Life – Enabling Vulnerable People to Have Valued Social Roles: An Introduction to Social Role Valorization – Guy Caruso, Ph.D.

Breakout Sessions:

Beyond the Comparison Chart: The Ins and Outs of Medicaid Waiver Programs – Jeff Miller and Cindi Paschall

If I knew Then, What I Know Now: The Ah-Ha Moments That Made a Difference – Jennifer Jordan and Michelle Lunday

Inclusive Community Living Across the Age and Life Span – Guy Caruso, Ph.D.

Mastering Autonomy While Transitioning into Adulthood – Daniel Durany

Media Imaging and Disability – Guy Caruso, Ph.D.

Texas Medicaid LTSS Programs & Wait Lists – Jeff Miller and Cindi Paschall

The Road to Employment: Competitive, Integrated, Customized, and Accommodations – Aracely Fuentes and Kellie Nix

THINKing COLLEGE – The Who, When, Where, Why and How of College for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities